Manufacturer and Distributor of Iwaki Pumps, authorized distributor of Yamada Pumps & Waukesha Pumps.
51 Bukit Batok Crescent, #08-13 Unity Centre
Singapore, 658077, Singapore
Manufacturer all kinds of Industrial Pumps.
Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor, Km. 32 Curug, Cimanggis
Kota Depok, West Java, 16453, Indonesia
Manufacturer and Distributor of Iwaki Pumps.
Authorized distributor of Yamada Pumps & Waukesha Pumps.
Gedung Rahardjo Lt 1, Room No. 108, Jalan Roa Malaka Utara No. 6
Jakarta Barat, Jakarta, 11230, Indonesia